Friday, August 6, 2010

Weight Problems?

92% of teen girls would like to change something about the way they look, with body weight ranking the highest.

75% of teenage girls felt 'depressed, guilty and shameful' after spending just three minutes leafing through a fashion magazine.

While only 19% of teenage girls are "overweight," 67% think they "need to lose weight"

90% of eating disorders are found in girls

74% of girls say they are under pressure to please everyone

3 out of 4 girls say they feel pressure to be "super girls"

74% say they often feel stressed

So tell me, with these stats why do we feel this way? And trust me, I'm as guilty as everyone. I call myself fat on a daily basis..but why? Why do we feel this way about ourselves? Why do we call ourselves fat and ugly, even if we aren't? And it's really only in girls. I don't think I've ever heard of a boy not eating because he thinks he's fat, or puking himself every time he thinks he eats too much. So what is it with girls that makes them criticize themselves so much. Is it the images on TV and in magazines? Is it that we think that everyone else is criticizing us so we criticize ourselves? And I've noticed with myself that a lot of the time I call myself fat or ugly just so someone can contradict me, just so someone will tell me "no, you're not, you're perfect and beautiful just the way you are." But not everyone has someone to tell them that, so they just go on with low self-esteem. Let's try something, let's try to love ourselves for who we are and what we look like, no matter what anyone else says. (:

-->The stats above are from this website.

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